Tuesday 5 February 2019

Media Studies | Ajax the Kea dog

The first thing I did after watching it was examine the sound.

At the start of the video, the music sounds chill and ambient, sort of like a status
quo in the the forest. When the man finds a dead Kea nest, the music has more
of a sad piano sound to it. After Ajax the dog finds a Kea the music suddenly gets
a much more bass-y sound and happy chords come in.
The dialogue has a New Zealand documentary feel to it. The man talks a
lot about what happens on the job and him and his dog's daily life being Kea
finders and monitors.
Sound design is good. They have very well fitting noises such as water flowing,
bush rustling and other nature sounds. They also have kept in (or got a Foley to
recreate) sounds that the two workers had made on the trip around the mountains.

Aferwards, I read the instructions wrong and wrote up my first impressions of the camerawork and what I liked in general.

The camera changes scenes and moves around a lot to keep the viewers interested.
There are interesting shots such as these:

I especially enjoyed this overhead shot of the dog going over the river, as it is something the cameramen would actually require a drone for.

Also, the grading after the empty Kea hole scene was very good for what they wanted to portray, which was that the man was feeling down.

In the end, I wrote that my first impressions of the music was that it was so well done that it was near unnoticeable, like Minecraft ambience going on in the background as you play.

Cya later,

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